Banking services

Paga Pos Machine Price, Charges, Daily Target: How to get Paga Pos Machine

Paga is a leading fintech company in Nigeria that offers payment solutions through its POS machines and mobile app. The Paga POS machine enables merchants to accept card and wallet payments from customers instantly.

With over 40,000 active agents across the country, Paga has become a convenient way for Nigerians to send and receive money, pay bills, and run their businesses.

In this blog post, we will look at the pricing, charges, and daily targets associated with getting and using a Paga POS machine.

Understanding these key factors can help you determine if getting a Paga POS is worthwhile for your business.

Overview of Paga POS Machines

Paga POS machines allow merchants to accept debit/credit card payments by swiping, inserting, or tapping cards. Customers can also pay directly from their Paga wallets by scanning a QR code on the POS. The machine prints receipts and sends SMS notifications to customers confirming transactions.

Key benefits of using a Paga POS include:

Accept card payments seamlessly: Increase sales by accepting debit/credit cards from customers.

Get paid instantly: Funds from payments are reflected in your Paga account instantly.

Track transactions: View records of all payments received on the POS.

No setup, or maintenance costs: Paga handles setup, provides support, and maintains the devices.

Portable and durable: The POS machines are portable, easy to use, and durable.

Paga POS Pricing

Paga POS machines are available to merchants at no upfront costs. However, there are certain charges associated with transactions done on the POS:

Device rental fee: Merchants pay a rental fee of 2000 Naira per month for using the POS terminal.

Transaction charges:

1.5% of transaction value for payments from Paga wallets

3.5% of transaction value for card payments

Minimum transaction fee: 100 Naira per transaction

Settlement fee: Paga deducts 50 Naira at the time of settling transactions to your Paga account.

SMS notification fee: 20 Naira per successful transaction SMS sent to a customer.

Therefore, the total fees paid by merchants will depend on the number and value of transactions processed on the POS in a month. The more transactions you process, the higher your charges will be.

Paga POS Daily Targets

Paga sets a minimum target for the number and value of transactions that agents must meet daily. This encourages activity and ensures the POS terminals are being effectively utilized.

The Paga POS daily targets are:

• Minimum number of transactions: 50

• Minimum transaction value: 50,000 Naira

Merchants are expected to meet these targets consistently to continue enjoying the POS services. If your transactions fall below the targets frequently, Paga may retrieve the POS terminal from you.

How to Acquire a Paga POS Machine

To start accepting payments on a Paga POS and take advantage of the huge market potential, you need to obtain a POS machine first. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get a Paga POS:

Step 1: Create a Paga account

First, download the Paga agent app and create an account. Provide your valid ID card, passport photo, and BVN to complete the signup process.

Step 2: Request for a POS

In the Paga agent app, navigate to the products section and select ‘Order POS’. Fill in the online request form providing necessary details about your business.

Step 3: Undergo KYC verification

Upon receiving your request, a Paga agent will contact you to schedule a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) verification meeting. Come prepared with documents that prove your identity, business operations, and location.

Step 4: Get POS deployment

After successful verification, Paga will deploy the POS machine to your chosen business location within 72 hours.

Step 5: Set up and activate POS

When you receive the POS device, charge it fully and turn it on. Follow the onscreen prompts to set it up and activate it using your Paga agent ID.

Once activated, your Paga POS machine is ready to start accepting payments immediately. You can now start enjoying the benefits of offering your customers a cashless, convenient payment option.

Frequently Asked Questions About Paga Pos Machine Price, Charges, Daily Target

What documents do I need to provide to get a Paga POS?

You will need a valid government ID, passport photo, business registration documents, and your Business Verification Number (BVN) to request a Paga POS machine.

How much does it cost to get a Paga POS?

Paga POS machines are provided at no upfront costs. However, you will pay monthly rental fees and transaction charges for using the POS.

How long does it take to get a POS after a request?

If your KYC verification is successful, Paga will deploy the POS machine to your location within 72 hours.

Can I use the POS without an internet connection?

No, the Paga POS needs an internet connection to be able to process transactions. Offline transactions are not supported.

Is there a contract for using the Paga POS?

No, there are no binding contracts. You can return the POS at any time if you no longer need it.

How do I refund a customer who paid via Paga POS?

You can initiate refunds directly from the Paga agent app. The refunded amount will be credited back to the customer’s card/wallet.

What happens if the POS device develops a fault?

Contact Paga support immediately. They will diagnose the issue and replace the device if a technical fault is confirmed.

Can I integrate the POS with my business software?

Yes, Paga provides APIs to integrate the POS with your systems for reconciliation and reporting.

How soon are funds from POS payments available in my Paga account?

Funds reflect in your Paga account instantly as soon as a transaction is completed on the POS.

What is the maximum transaction limit on the Paga POS?

Single transactions on the Paga POS are currently capped at 100,000 Naira.


The Paga POS has revolutionized the payment landscape for Nigerian merchants by providing an affordable and efficient way of collecting payments. With no upfront costs and predictable transaction charges, getting a Paga POS machine is now highly accessible. Meeting the set daily targets ensures you maximize the opportunity to grow your revenue. Use this guide to get started with a Paga POS terminal today and tap into the multi-billion-dollar online payments industry.

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