Banking services

Kuda Bank Customer Care: Phone Number, Whatsapp Number, Email Address and Kuda Bank Contact Address

Kuda Bank is a fast-growing digital bank that provides banking services through mobile apps and the web. With a focus on providing seamless digital banking experiences, Kuda Bank has quickly become one of the most popular digital banks in Nigeria.

However, even with the most intuitive apps and interfaces, customers may sometimes need to reach out to an actual human representative for assistance. This is where Kuda Bank’s customer care comes in.

In this post, we provide all the key customer care contact information you need for Kuda Bank, including phone numbers, Whatsapp numbers, email addresses, and physical office addresses.

Kuda Bank Customer Care Phone Numbers

Kuda Bank provides a few different customer care phone numbers based on your location and needs:

Nigeria customer care line: +234 903 000 1023

This is Kuda Bank’s main customer service number for customers located in Nigeria. It is available 24/7 for any account-related queries, support needs or general inquiries.

International customer care line: +1 718 309 6236

For customers located outside Nigeria who need assistance, Kuda provides this international customer support line. It is available 24/7.

Kuda SME support line: +234 903 000 1024

Kuda Bank offers a dedicated phone line for its small business and SME customers in Nigeria. Business account holders can call this number for any support needs related to their business accounts.

In addition to calling, customers can also request a callback from a Kuda agent using the “Call Me” button on the Kuda mobile app. This is useful if you want to avoid long hold times on the phone.

Kuda Bank Whatsapp Customer Care Number

Along with phone support, Kuda Bank also offers customer assistance via Whatsapp.

Customers can reach Kuda’s support team on Whatsapp by messaging the number:

+234 903 000 0023

This number allows you to get in touch with a live agent via Whatsapp chat. You can send any inquiries or issues and get assistance right within your Whatsapp.

Kuda Bank Customer Care Email

If you prefer contacting customer support via email, Kuda Bank also provides the following email address:

You can send detailed written inquiries, questions or issues to this email and Kuda support staff will get back to you. This can be a convenient option for questions or support needs that are less urgent.

Kuda Bank Headquarters Address

In addition to phone, Whatapp and email customer care options, Kuda Bank also has a physical office located at:

294 Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos

This is the Kuda Bank headquarters office. While they provide most customer support via digital channels, you can also visit the office during business hours for any in-person assistance required.

Just keep in mind Kuda Bank does not have customer service desks at its offices. Visits are more for providing feedback, addressing concerns or complex issues that require meeting with bank representatives in person.

So those are the main channels for contacting Kuda Bank customer support. Whether you want to call, message, email or even visit in person, the phone numbers, Whatsapp details, email address and office location provided above have you covered.

How to Contact Kuda Bank Customer Care

Now that we’ve provided all the key customer service contact information for Kuda Bank, let’s look at how you can actually get in touch with them through the different channels:

Call the customer care phone numbers

If you need to speak to a customer service agent right away, calling the appropriate customer care number is the quickest option.

Here are some tips for calling Kuda Bank customer care:

• Call the Nigeria support number if you are located there or the international number if outside the country. SME account holders can use the dedicated business support line.

• Have your account information and any details related to your issue or question ready before calling. This helps streamline the process.

• Be ready to go through some security verification steps to confirm your identity.

• Double check you are calling during the available hours. Kuda phone support is 24/7 but good to confirm.

• If call volumes are high, you may need to wait on hold for the next available agent. Consider using the callback request feature on the app.

• Take down the name of the agent assisting you and any ticket or reference numbers for your records.

Overall, calling gets you direct 1-on-1 support which is ideal for urgent account-related issues or any problems needing real-time resolution. Just be prepared with account details and your specific question or issue before calling.

Message Kuda customer care on Whatsapp

Whatsapp makes it easy to get customer assistance without needing to call or send an email. Follow these tips for contacting Kuda via Whatsapp:

• Save the Kuda Whatsapp number +234 903 000 0023 to your contacts so you have it handy.

• Double check you are messaging during available Whatsapp support hours.

• In your initial message, identify yourself as a Kuda customer and briefly explain your question or issue.

• Be responsive to agent replies – check Whatsapp regularly so you don’t miss a response.

• Provide any additional info or details the agent requests to help resolve your case.

• Save or take screenshots of the chat conversation for your records if needed.

Whatsapp chat makes it convenient to get customer support without lengthy calls. Just make sure to clearly summarize your question or issue in your first message.

Email Kuda Bank customer support

If your question or support request is not super urgent, emailing customer support is a handy option. Here are some tips:

• Use the email address and include “Kuda Customer” in the subject line.

• In your email, clearly state your name, account information and the details of your question or issue.

• Provide screenshots or attachments if it helps illustrate your case. But don’t share sensitive financial information.

• If you don’t get an initial response within a day or two, consider calling as well for urgent matters.

• Follow up or reply if the agent asks for any additional details or info.

• Keep the email chain for your records.

The email option works well for questions or support needs that are less time sensitive. Just provide plenty of detail upfront to help the agents assist you.

Visit a Kuda Bank branch

If you would prefer to speak to someone at Kuda in person, you can visit the headquarters:

294 Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos

Visiting in person should be reserved for issues like account disputes or fraud claims where you may need to provide documentation or speak to senior team members. But the option is there for customers who require it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the quickest way to reach Kuda Bank customer care?

Calling the Kuda Bank customer care hotline is the quickest method. You can speak to an agent in real-time for urgent matters.

Does Kuda Bank offer 24/7 customer support?

Yes, Kuda Bank offers 24/7 support on its phone lines as well as via Whatsapp. Email and in-person support is available during office hours.

How can I avoid long hold times when calling?

Use the callback request button on the Kuda app to avoid waiting on hold. An agent will call you back when available.

What details should I have ready before contacting customer care?

Have your account number, ID details, and information about your issue or question ready to help agents assist you faster.

Can I contact Kuda support via social media?

Kuda prefers customers use their official channels – phone, Whatsapp, email or in person. But you can try reaching out via social media if needed.

How quickly does Kuda respond to customer service emails?

Email responses are usually provided within 1-2 business days. Call if your issue is more urgent.


Kuda Bank aims to provide seamless digital banking services, but even tech-savvy customers sometimes need help from real human support agents. We have provided the key customer care contact points you need for Kuda Bank whether you want to call, message, email or even visit in person.

So if you ever have an urgent account issue, a question on Kuda’s services or just some feedback to share, use the phone numbers, Whatsapp details, email address and office location provided above to get assistance. Kuda’s support team is available through multiple channels 24/7 to help resolve any customer service needs.

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