How To

How to Login to NOUN Student Portal

 How to Login to NOUN Student Portal

NOUN login page

                    The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) is a distance learning institution that offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs to students across Nigeria and beyond. The NOUN student portal is a platform that provides NOUN students with access to a range of academic resources, including course materials, assignments, grades, and announcements. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to login to the NOUN student portal and make the most of its features.

        3 steps to Login to NOUN Student Portal

  1. Visit the NOUN Student Portal Website
  2. Enter Your Login Details
  3. Navigate the NOUN Student Portal Dashboard

  • Visit the NOUN Student Portal Website

To access the NOUN student portal, you need to visit the official website at You can do this by opening your web browser and typing in the URL or by clicking on the link provided in your admission letter.

  • Enter Your Login Details

Once you have accessed the NOUN student portal website, you will be prompted to enter your login details. These include your matriculation number and password. If you are a new student, you will need to create an account by clicking on the “New Student” button and following the instructions provided.

  •  Navigate the NOUN Student Portal Dashboard

After successfully logging in to the NOUN student portal, you will be directed to your dashboard. The dashboard is the main interface that provides you with access to all the features of the NOUN student portal. From here, you can view your course materials, check your grades, submit assignments, and communicate with your lecturers and classmates.

How to access your course Materials and Check your Grades on NOUN Portal

  • Access Your Course Materials

To access your course materials on the NOUN student portal, you need to navigate to the “Course Materials” section on your dashboard. Here, you will find all the materials you need for each of your registered courses, including lecture notes, course outlines, and reading lists.

  • Check Your Grades

To check your grades on the NOUN student portal, navigate to the “Results” section on your dashboard. Here, you will find a summary of your academic performance, including your grades for each course you have taken.

  • Submit Your Assignments

To submit your assignments on the NOUN student portal, navigate to the “Assignments” section on your dashboard. Here, you will find a list of all the assignments you need to submit, along with their due dates and submission guidelines.

Communicate With Your Lecturers and Classmates On student Portal

To communicate with your lecturers and classmates on the NOUN student portal, navigate to the “Messages” section on your dashboard. Here, you can send and receive messages, participate in discussions, and get help with your coursework.

How To Solve Login Errors on NOUN Student Potal

If you experience any login issues or encounter errors while using the NOUN student portal, there are several troubleshooting tips you can try to resolve the problem:

  • Check Your Internet Connection
  • Clear Your Browser Cache
  • Try a Different Browser
  • Contact NOUN Helpdesk

Check Your Internet Connection: 

Make sure that you have a stable internet connection and that your device is connected to the internet.

Clear Your Browser Cache:

 Clearing your browser cache can help resolve issues with website loading and data transfer. To do this, go to your browser settings and clear your cache and cookies.

Try a Different Browser: 

If you are experiencing issues with one browser, try using a different browser to access the NOUN student portal.

Contact NOUN Helpdesk:

 If you have tried all the troubleshooting tips and still cannot login to the NOUN student portal or access its features, contact the NOUN helpdesk for assistance. You can find their contact details on the NOUN website.

In conclusion, the NOUN student portal is an essential platform for NOUN students to access academic resources, communicate with lecturers and classmates, and stay updated on their academic progress. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily login to the NOUN student portal and make the most of its features. Remember to keep your login details safe and secure to protect your personal information and academic records.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the NOUN Student Portal

What is the NOUN student portal?

The NOUN student portal is an online platform that provides NOUN students with access to course materials, assignments, grades, and other resources that are vital for academic success.

How do I log in to the NOUN student portal?

To log in to the NOUN student portal, visit the official NOUN website at and click on the “Student Login” button. Enter your Matric Number and password to access your dashboard.

What do I forget my NOUN student portal password?

If you forget your NOUN student portal password, click on the “Forgot Password” link on the login page. You will be prompted to enter your Matric Number and email address. A password reset link will be sent to your email address, allowing you to create a new password.

Can I access the NOUN student portal on my mobile device?

Yes, the NOUN student portal is mobile-friendly, and you can access it on your mobile device through the web browser.

How do I contact NOUN support for assistance with the student portal?

You can contact NOUN support for assistance with the student portal through email, phone, or live chat. The contact information is available on the official NOUN website.

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